Monday, February 20, 2017

What Interest is Everyone Pursuing?

I often tell people, "our family does hobbies well."

Passions, interest, hobbies, whatever they are drive our family as individuals and together as a group.  
Last spring, we briefly entered the world of snow-skiing (and snowboarding for my son).  This year we jumped in with both feet.  Everyone got a season pass to our local ski resort, leased equipment, and gather necessary clothing.  Fortunately, this winter our area received record snowfall, enabling us to go up the mountain at least twice a week.  After skiing several times and hating it, I switched to snowboarding.  This has proved to be such a learning experience as my son is trying to coach me and help me improve.   I realized quickly, we learn similarly through trial and error not criticism.  Funny how God provides these moments. 
Archery was my husband's passion since our marriage, but over the last few years we are all becoming involved.  We each have our own compound bow to hunt with as well as compete in 3-D archery shoots.  Our local area holds weekend 3-D shoots that include hiking, shooting, and scoring in the spring and summer.  This is great family fun, so as the snow melts each of us has begun practicing.  Some (hubby and son) more than others.  

Pursuing interest as a family builds relationships.  The key is no one is forced to participate in given activity.  Such as when I wanted to quit skiing, I didn't get coerced into continuing.  My son only suggested  I try boarding since I enjoy wake-boarding in the summer.  Another example would be when my daughter and I sit on the couch to knit instead of joining the boy to practice archery.  We don't like the cold and choose to wait for warmer temperatures.  Our relationships stay strong because we know our desires for a given activity are respected as individuals.  

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