Friday, February 10, 2017

An Afternoon in the Life of Homeschooling (11 year old and 9 year old)

After lunch, we usually bake together a dessert or part of dinner for the evening.  Baking easily brings to light discussions on fractions, multiplication, division, and measurements.  Another activity we enjoy during or directly after lunch are board games or card games.  Lots of mathematical and strategy skills are easily incorporated and practiced.  
Once lunch, games, and baking are completed, GM moves on to her love.  PAINTING.  She has been working through The Usborne ART Treasury.  In this amazing book, she reads about an artist and their work before moving on to creating a similar piece of art.  Many times she will grab a canvas to paint her interpretation of a book we are reading or she is reading.  The canvas below is her idea of the The Night Gardener.
Bubba uses this time to maintain and work on his new baby, a Honda dirt bike.  He is responsible for storing, caring for, and any maintenance necessary for the bike.  

Another interest is gaming on his Xbox.  The more he games the more he improves in reading comprehension, noticing details, and understanding of strategy.  
I love this quote by Julie Bogart at Brave Writer, "Here's the thing about video gaming:  Kids love it for a reason.  What if we tried to find out what the reason was? What is it about video gaming that is captivating and enchanting?  The people who write the video games are smart.  They know what holds the child's attention.  Video games are loaded with enchantment."

As each pursues their passion, I am nearby to help as I can as well as provide any information to assist them.  I use this time to really study my children, how they are progressing individually and anticipate any future needs.   I serve snacks and encourage each one individually in their space.   

Eventually, I make my way downstairs to prepare dinner.  We truly enjoy sitting down to dinner together.  Afterward, we may play a game, watch a current series on Netflix, or rush off to sports practice or game.  This time each experiences getting to know their gifts, talents, and passions is priceless.  Sharing this time is the best.   

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