Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Read Aloud

A couple posts back, I noted that reading aloud was a staple in our day at home.  I know many parents stop reading to kids once they learn to read on their own.  Today, I want to encourage you to continue or return to reading aloud with your tweens and teens.  

Our most recent read aloud was The Scourge by Jennifer A Nielsen.  The discussion on foreshadowing, friendship, plot twists, and cultures were astounding!  The no-pressure environment allowed these talks to happen naturally where everyone's voices were heard, acknowledged, and understood.  You have to read the book to comprehend the significance of the red lines my daughter decided we needed after finishing the book.

A simple search on Pinterest will reveal that reading aloud to kids benefits all ages.  Taking time to read aloud to your teens will enable bonding time that is difficult to come as they get older.  This shared experience in the stories you enjoy allows for discussions that may not otherwise happen.  These talks develop empathy for others and grow knowledge in areas outside of their lives.  Exploration together into interesting novels and books creates time for learning in a relaxed setting.  

My view from my read aloud seat in our game room.  

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