Friday, March 4, 2016

Hidden Blessing

Guess what!  I was blessed with an energetic, persistent, determined, inflexible, strong willed child.  There aren't many of us today that receive such a blessing.  Trust me.  I rarely see these traits in children at the park, with my friend's kids, and in restaurants.  Many days were spent trying to overcome his intense personality, but fortunately God opened my eyes to the joy he brings to our family.

It is often said his energy, persistence, determination, firmness, and strong desire will serve him later in life.  Probably true.  The thing is these attributes assist him now.

After living in Idaho for 5 years, we finally went snow skiing.  I should say my husband, my daughter, and I went skiing.  Bubba insisted on snowboarding.  Even after talking to friends who ski and snowboard, hearing the difficulty the first few days offer, and attempting without friends in his class, he insisted on snowboarding.  Other parents suggested making him ski first or giving some sort of bribe or deal to snowboard later.  Knowing that was a disaster waiting to happen, I signed him up for snowboarding and stood back.  His determination, strong will, energy, and persistence paid off.  He totally rocked the snowboarding!  Enjoyed the day!  Can't wait to go back!

If you are lucky enough to have one of these children, my suggestion is to love them where they are and lean into their understanding of self.


  1. Yes! You are such an amazing mother! I really appreciated this post today, as I too have a blessing like this. I love last 3 or 4 sentences in that quote! That is my new motto for life! I'm really enjoying your blog. It was so great to see you yesterday. Xoxo

  2. Thanks. It was wonderful to see you. Glad it helped you where you are.
